LLC “Conveyor Technologies” is engaged in the development and production of plastic rollers.
Plastic roller is a part of the conveyor belt. The main distinguishing feature of plastic rollers is the material of their manufacture. The roller shell is made of polymer material rather than metal. This material is highly reliable and durable. The special structure of the synthetic polymer allows it to have approximately the same rigidity as steel. This material has proven itself well and is used in many industries. The design of the roller includes a shaft made of steel, a shell made of polypropylene and a shock-resistant bearing housing made of composite material. The rollers are resistant to aggressive environment. They are designed for intensive, round-the-clock operation for a long time. The roller bearing assembly is protected from moisture and dust by a combination of metal and several types of plastic. They have a reliable design with an autonomous inner volume, independent of the external environment and operating conditions.
Plastic rollers are used to complete equipment that is used in such industries as: mechanical engineering, construction, mining, instrumentation, glass industry, as well as in many other areas.
All products of LLC “Conveyer Technologies” are certified and meet high quality and safety requirements.
Plastic rollers have several advantages:
– reliability in use (do not corrode, unlike their counterparts made in steel version; they are resistant to acid and alkali; differ in impact resistance);
– lightness (thanks to the material from which the rollers are made, the weight becomes almost two times less than the weight of a metal analogue);
– silent operation (due to the fact that the shell is made of polypropylene, the work at the facility becomes almost noiseless);
– ease of use (during transportation, material does not stick to plastic rollers, which prevents such problems in production as: blocking of a roller, stopping rotation or slipping of the tape);
– low maintenance costs (these rollers do not need lubrication like their counterparts, which allows you to reduce the time and cost of maintenance to a minimum).